IEEE fellow郑维行教授来我校作学术报告

来源:徐楠   发布时间:2015-04-23

IEEE fellow郑维行教授来我校作学术报告

2014年7月31日,IEEE Fellow澳大利亚西悉尼大学郑维行教授访问我校,先后在自动化学院和先进技术研究院作学术报告。副校长蒋国平教授会见了郑教授并介绍了我校特别是控制学科的情况。报告会分别由自动化学院院长王保云教授和先进技术研究院院长岳东教授主持。
  报告会上,郑维行教授介绍了其在网络控制方向的最新研究成果:通过提出新颖的Lyapunov泛函,考虑了更多关于网络控制系统内在信息,并且创新性的提出脉冲时延系统及其数学引理,得到了保守性显著减小的网络控制系统H_infinity 分析和状态控制设计条件。最后,使用两个仿真算例验证了理论成果的有效性。


Wei Xing Zheng received the B.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics in 1982, the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1984, and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in1989.

  Prof. Zheng has served on several technical committees, including Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Modelling, Identificationand Signal Processing (1999–present), Member of IEEE Control Systems Society's Technical Committee on System Identification and Adaptive Control (2006–present), Chair of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society’s Technical Committee on Neural Systems and Applications (2008–2009), Chair of IEEECircuits and Systems Society’s Technical Committee on Blind Signal Processing (2010–2011), etc. He has served as an Associate Editor for a number of flagship journals, including IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (2002–2004), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (the first term 2004–2007 and the second term 2013–present), IEEE Transactionson Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs (2008–2009), IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2007–2010), Automatica (2011–present), IET Control Theory & Applications (2013–present), and IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (2014–present). He was a Guest Editor of the special issue on Blind Signal Processingand Its Applications for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers (2009–2010). He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Control Systems Society’s Conference Editorial Board (2000–present).


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